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CLASS DURATION | 2  or 3 day extended WEEKEND DAYS


Join us for An exciting weekend jam-packed
with skills! 

This exciting weekend course gives you the unique survival skills and wild foods for living in either the Sonoran Desert, Red Rock Canyons, or Mountain Forests!

  • nature awareness & tracking Tune in to what is around you! Move silently in the wilderness, blend in and stalk close to animals, and learn to identify and read tracks! 

  • snares and deadfall traps The smart way to hunt! They work 24 hours for you! Learn how to make a variety of snares and deadfall traps for catching birds and small mammals!

  • Hunting tools Make traditional hunting tools that are simple and incredibly effective! You'll learn how to use and make rabbit sticks, and Apache stars for catching small mammals, and during the courses along creeks, we'll cover how to catch fish using traditional fishing gear!

  • shelters Sleep cozy in the high mountains and learn to cool down in the desert sun using shelters built from ultralight and natural materials!

  • fire Hands-on basic & advanced firecraft skills! Learn a variety of campfire lays and tricks for cold & wet conditions. Use a magnifying lens, flint and steel and carve your own bow drill fire set and make fire using friction!

  • POCKET SURVIVAL KIT Learn to carry less- survive in the wilderness with just a knife and a few simple items! You will make a pocket survival kit, and learn how to use the items inside to  provide for your basic needs during an emergency!

  • useful Plants  Learn the top useful plants! Sample delicious wild edibles and learn how to use medicinal plants for healing common illnesses and for trauma care! 

  • water  Find, and purify water using improvised techniques- tricks for the Southwest backcountry that will save your life! 


  • GEAR up! Learn knife sharpening and carving techniques as well as  how to make a sharp stone blade from a river cobble! Weave a strong cord from yucca leaves- great for traps, fishing line, etc...!

  • campfire cookout-Enjoy a delicious dinner of delicious wild plants that we gather, deer meat, and bannock bread we cook on the coals

  • navigation Make accurate improvised compasses using a stick and the sun. Night time navigation techniques, and more!


Learn what it takes to survive and thrive during this fun, hands-on weekend course!


Tuition: 320 (Includes Pocket Survival Kit!) 

Duration: Two days

Learn plants from the three major areas of the Southwest!

  • IMprove your health!

  • Heal your friends and family!

  • add delicious new foods to your meals!

During this fun weekend, you will discover the uses of our local plants growing in the Sonoran Desert, Woodlands, and Southwest Mountains!

  • Sample lots of delicious wild edibles

  • Learn healing properties of local medicinal plants

  • Tricks for fast identification

  • Poisonous plants to avoid 

  • Enjoy a wildcrafted lunch using delicious plants we gather!

  • Learn the uses of over 70+ plants as we hike along Sonoran desert, red rock canyon, and mountain forests trails!

Class tuition includes an electronic PDF of my self-published booklet, Useful Plants of The Southwest, so you can print, or access anytime from your phone!

Don't miss this opportunity to learn the useful plants from the Sonoran Desert, woodlands, AND the mountains of the Southwest!


Tuition: 280

(Includes Useful Plants of the Southwest book!) 

Duration: Two days

Cactus Plants






with just a knife!


You'll dive into basic & advanced survival techniques for the Sonoran Desert, Red Rock Canyons, and Mountain Forests!


We'll spend a day in each of these amazing areas learning the unique skills for survival:

  • shelters Sleep cozy in the high mountains and learn to cool down in the desert sun using shelters built from ultralight and natural materials!

  • fire basic & advanced firecraft for each region! Learn how to use modern items like flint and steel & hand lenses. Carve your own bow drill and hand drill fire by friction set!

  • water  Find, and purify water using improvised techniques- tricks for the Southwest backcountry that will save your life! Make a water bottle out of an agave, and a wooden bowl for boiling water using coals from a campfire!

  • useful Plants  Learn the top 10 useful plants for each area! Sample delicious wild edibles and learn how to use medicinal plants! 


  • GEAR up! Make your own survival gear for living in the wild- yucca rope, agave water bottle, toothbrushes, and more! 

  • Traditional items Craft traditional items that have been used by traditional peoples here in the Southwest for thousands of years- yucca sandals, baskets, and more! 

  • nature awareness & tracking Tune in to what is around you! Move silently in the wilderness, blend in and stalk close to animals, and learn to identify and read tracks! 

  • snares and deadfall traps The smart way to hunt! They work 24 hours for you! Learn how to make a variety of snares and traps for catching birds and small mammals!

  • Hunting tools Make a rabbit stick and Apache star for hunting small game and birds. Also make an Atlatl & dart- used all over the world for hunting mammoths in North America, reindeer in Europe, and even emus in Australia! Carve your own and enjoy the fun of throwing them!

  • fishing Make improvised fishing kit items- hooks, nets, fishing traps, and other items for catching fish!

  • navigation Learn how to use a compass and map to plot a course, find where you are, and navigate to a destination! Make accurate improvised compasses using a stick and the sun. Night time navigation techniques, and more! 

  • campfire cooking Learn how to cook without modern cookware! Make tongs, and other field improvised cooking items! Enjoy a delicious dinner of delicious wild plants that we gather, deer meat, and bannock bread we cook on the coals

  • POCKET SURVIVAL KIT Learn to carry less- survive in the wilderness with just a knife and a few simple items! You will make an advanced pocket survival kit, and learn how to use the items inside to  provide for your long-term needs during an emergency!

At the end of this exciting course, you will be able to adventure & survive in the deserts, woodlands, and mountains with just a knife and what you have learned!

Tuition:  525

(Includes Pocket Survival Kit, Mora knife, Useful Plants of the Southwest book, and Tracking book!) 

Duration: Three days 


© 2023 by Southwest Survival L.L.C.  

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